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Grit and Valor - 1949

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Grit and Valor - 1949

Un roguelite de estrategia ambientado en una Segunda Guerra Mundial dieselpunk, en el que diriges un escuadrón de mecas de élite. Piensa rápido y lucha contra el eje del mal para liberar Europa. ¡Mejora tus mecas y pilotos y desarrolla nuevas tácticas para vencer! Próximamente en Steam, Xbox, PS5 y Switch. ¡Añádelo a tu lista de deseados ahora!


  • Real-time Tactics
  • Roguelite
  • Tower Defence
  • Steam
  • Playstation 5
  • Xbox
  • Switch
Release Date

Corre el año 1949 y se está librando la II Guerra Mundial

Europa está de rodillas. El eje intimida a la población y elimina a los rebeldes con mortíferos mecas. Los escasos supervivientes se han reagrupado bajo la bandera de La Resistencia.

Eres la última esperanza del mundo libre. Tu misión: llevar una devastadora bomba PEM al corazón del territorio enemigo para cambiar el curso de la guerra.


El Eje se ha hecho con el control de Europa gracias a enormes guerreros mecanizados, cambiando así el curso de la guerra y arrasando con la mayoría de Fuerzas aliadas. Los mortíferos Mecas del Eje patrullan toda la zona y han ahuyentado a los rebeldes, pero sigue habiendo supervivientes, que se han reagrupado bajo la bandera de La Resistencia.


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Today's giveaway winner is Strategy Games Central! Watch their video review here: "What If Mech Warriors Fought in World War 2?"👉 to win a full copy of the game too? Use #gritbeta along with a post about Grit and Valor for a chance to win! #RTSGame #SteamBeta #PCGame

Photo from Grit and Valor - 1949 on Facebook at 2024-12-06 09:30:01

🫡 Attention, Commanders! We've received some new intel!YOUR feedback has been helping our teams find new ways to make Grit’s tactical gameplay sing.Here’s an overview of some changes to Run Rewards that are already in the works! #mechs #roguelite #strategygames #GritBeta

The Grit and Valor – 1949 Closed Beta starts today!📄 Enlist now using this link:🔗 Or, join our Discord to receive a key: beta will run until to Monday 16th and includes...🗺️ TWO regions: the British Isles and Scandinavia 🤖 SIX mechs, including three which are brand-new 🤑 Revamped rewards and upgrade systems⭐ WIN a free copy of the game by sharing your thoughts, or a Grit screenshot/video on any social media channel using #gritbeta. You can also win by completing our feedback survey!#gritbeta #indiegames #mechs #gamedev #freedemo #rts

⭐ We sat down with Kev and Chris from Milky Tea to learn more about Grit's first boss!#mechs #gamedesign #indiegames #rts

Photo from Grit and Valor - 1949 on Facebook at 2024-12-03 16:58:26

Attention, Commanders!🎁 We're giving away a copy of Grit and Valor - 1949 every day throughout our closed beta!⭐ For a chance to win, follow us on X and share what you think of the beta in a post using #GritBeta!🔗 There's still time to sign-up to the beta if you're not in yet:

Photo from Grit and Valor - 1949 on Facebook at 2024-11-29 16:34:11

Attention commanders!Thank you for all your support on the closed beta!The course of war does not run smooth and sometimes, even the best-laid battle plans need a little adjustment. We’ve had news from central command that the beta will be delayed by 48 hours, to accommodate a rather pesky celebration called ‘thanksgiving’.Our new mission start time is 1600 hours UTC on Wednesday the 4th of December. The beta will now extend to Monday 16th, to ensure any lost time is recaptured and you’ll have ample time to dive into the fray.If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up here! and every signup brings us closer to victory.We look forward to seeing you there, soldier!

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